domingo, 6 de junho de 2010

"When life throws you lemons.. bring out the fuking tequila"

Dear Paul...
Two years since you´re gone.. leaving an empty space in our lives.. we cried for you.. laughed for you.. danced for you.. I still trying to wake you up.. in the very inside of me! Hope you are dancing with angels.. waiting for us.. keeping us a place right by your side.. won't ever forget your last words.. your last smile.. your last wish.. and now.. i am here.. and i did made your wish come true.. feel shame not having you here.. staring one to the other.. just like we used to.. ! We had few time.. but we overjoyed it.. your wisdom made me feel secure.. and you always tried to put a smile on my face.. LONG LIVE THE LEGEND!! You were my everything.. won't ever forget ya.. and i know fella.. i know we will meet each other.. one of these days..! Really love you.. cause you are my fella.. my guy.. always.. and for ever!! Paul!!

1 comentário:

  1. Procram-se pessoas inteligentes e com sentido crítico para ajudar a dinamizar o movimento Zeitgeist na Madeira. Informa-te sobre este movimento que vai mudar a tua vida.

    Está na hora de abrir os olhos e acabar com esta sociedade de desigualdade, corrupção e sofrimento. A mudança é agora!
